Predicting Self-Regulation through Inner Speech Reflexivity Modes

Mehrdad Shahidi[1] Thomas M. Brinthaupt[2] Mahnaz Shojaee[3] 

[1]  Dr. Mehrdad Shahidi, Nova Scotia Inter-University Doctoral Program, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada‎. Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University-Central Tehran Branch, Iran,  

[2]  Dr. Thomas M Brinthaupt, Professor, Department of Psychology, Middle Tennessee State University, USA,

[3]  Mahnaz Shojaee, PhD Student, Department of Educational Psychology, Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation, University of Alberta, Canada,


Archer (2012) theorized that internal conversation [inner speech] has a mediating role between objective or macroscopic features of social configuration and subjective mental [cognitive] activities. This mediating role is represented by communicative, meta-reflexivity, autonomous, and fractured modes. The literature review reveals that self-regulation may have originated in inner speech. However, it is unclear how different modes of inner speech/conversation can explain and predict self-regulation. To examine this question, 150 students completed measures of self-regulation and inner speech. Students reported lower levels of the fractured mode of inner speech than other modes. Although the meta-reflexivity mode (MRM) had the largest effect size in predicting self-regulation, communicative mode, self-consciousness, and MRM together predicted 41% of variability of self-regulation. As well, there were no differences in female and male participants’ scores in inner speech reflexivity modes and self-regulation stages. The results suggest several implications to enhance students’ self-regulation within the social context of educational settings.

Keywords: Self-Consciousness; Self-Regulation; Inner Speech Reflexivity Modes


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