Language, Discourse & Society selects its articles following a double blind, peer review process. Once the Editor has checked that the contribution corresponds to the editorial line of the journal (link to the presentation of the journal) and follows the author guidelines, it is sent to two anonymous reviewers with expertise in the contribution’s field. The editor will communicate the results (rejected, accepted or accepted with modifications) of the evaluation to the corresponding author. If the article has been accepted with modifications, authors should return back a new version of the article with the modifications and/or their reasons for not doing so. Language, Discourse & Society follows these section policies:
- Articles: Open submissions; Peer Reviewed; Published in the varia section
- Thematic Issues: Open submissions following thematic cfp; Peer Reviewed
- Book reviews: Open submissions; Board Reviewed
The name of the referees and acknowledgement of their work will appear in the last issue of each year.
The content of the journal is stored using the WebPress Platform, as well as in the journal’s e-mail system and finally by the current Editor in Chief, responsible for submissions at the time of their leadership of the journal.