Benefits for members of the Language and Society Research Committee
RC25 Objectives
RC25 members come from a broad range of disciplines involving different theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of language and society. We believe that our work is enriched by the diversity of these perspectives. Our various objectives include:
- the advancement of knowledge concerning language, face-to-face interaction and language-related phenomena, providing an international forum for researchers working on issues of language and society;
- encourage the international dissemination and exchange of information on significant developments in the broad range of subjects that examine language and society.
- the promotion of cooperation and collaboration among researchers worldwide, both through the organization of conferences and the posting of notices by scholars seeking research partners.
Every four years the International Sociological Association (ISA) holds its World Congress of Sociology. RC25 (The Research Committee on Language and Society) is one of 64 research committees, working groups, and thematic groups holding sessions at these congresses. Between World Congresses RC25 holds at least one interim conference, either organized wholly by the Committee or in partnership with another entity usually RC25 takes the opportunity of the Forum of Sociology organized by the International Sociological Association to organize its interim conferences.
We will keep you informed about upcoming RC25-sponsored events on the conferences section of this website.
The RC 25 newsletter is published online twice a year. It contains articles, information about the activites of the RC 25 and its members, as well as other relevant information from the field of language and society (e.g. book reviews, links). Back issues of the newsletter will be made available on-line for the general public some time after a new issue has been published for members.
Other Informational Resources for Members
We hope that our website will come to serve as a clearinghouse for information on the broad fields of the sociology of language and sociolinguistics, as well as a means to disseminate RC25 publications and our newsletters. We have created several categories of information, and members are free to suggest additional ones. We count on your help to keep us current and useful!
- notices of upcoming conferences and other events
- information on relevant corpora
- links to websites, e-mail discussion lists
- notices of job vacancies
- grant and fellowship opportunities
- notices of members looking for research partners
- publication opportunities
As belonging to the International Sociological Association, RC25 recommends to its members to belong to both RC25 and ISA. Benefits to belong to ISA are notably listed here, which include for instance discount for registration fees for the World Congress and the Forum.
RC 25 By-Laws
The RC 25 by-laws can be downloaded here.