There are no publication fees and no remuneration to authors or reviewers.
Board members and editors carry out their duties without remuneration.
The Authors, the Reviewers, the Editors and the Scientific Board are required to adhere to the Committee on Publication Ethics recommendations (COPE):
Board members and editors cannot submit an article to LD&S while they are in their position. Guest-editors cannot publish an article in the thematic issue they are coordinating.
The papers are published under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license (detail available here: It offers unlimited access to all its content all over the Internet, immediately upon first publication (with no embargo period).
Copyrights and publishing rights are held solely by:
University Complutense, 28223 Madrid, SPAIN
Processing time from submission to publication usually ranges from 2 months to 8 months.
Publication dates are June and December each year.
Ethics statement
Journal’s community aims to prevent “ghost-writing”, plagiarism and other forms of scientific dishonesty.
A double blind peer-review procedure is in operation, where both the Authors and the two independent Reviewers do not know each others identity. Transparent procedures are in place and conflict of interest is avoided.
List of peer-reviewers is published annually (December issue) for the reviews done during the year (the publication date can be later) to maintain anonymity.
Authors are requested to provide a statement that their submitted work:
- is their own personal work and does not bridge any copy rights or authorship rights;
- has not been published in whole or in part elsewhere;
- is not currently being considered for publication in another journal;
- they are individually responsible for the content of their article.
Any detected cases of misconduct, whether on the part of authors, reviewers or editors, will be immediately challenged and addressed in appropriate manner.