[1] Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez is an independent scholar in Mexico City rsnunez@gmail.com
This essay reviews the context of the Mexican 2018 election; with a special consideration to migration to Mexico and the country’s role in the then Caravans Crisis. It features the significance of the Caravans Crisis in the 2018 presidential campaign and debates, and the steps the new government seemed to be willing to take to address the issue. Later, it discusses the implications of actual decisions made when appointing the head of the Mexican migration authority and how they are related with the promises made by current President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on decolonization of Mexican migration policy and the respect for the human rights of foreign migrants in Mexico.
Keywords: Migration, Racism, Human Rights, Neocolonialism, Mexico, Mexican politics, US-Mexico border, Catholic Church, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Decolonization.
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