[1] Faculty of Education, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” – Durrës, Albania, E-mail: kashahuledia@yahoo. com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9807-7609
[2] Faculty of Education, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” – Durrës, Albania, E-mail: dilina_b@hotmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8229-4879
[3] Faculty of Education, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” – Durrës, Albania, E-mail: nelasotiri@yahoo.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1036-7696
The mastery of teacher competencies is intrinsically linked to the quality of educational service (OECD, 2013). Consequently, the initial preparation of teachers and discourse on the competencies they should possess have long been focal points for educational researchers, predating even the Covid-19 pandemic (Caena, 2014). This discourse has intensified notably in recent times (UNESCO and UNICEF, 2021). A mixed methods approach is used in this study. First, a quantitative survey was used to create a descriptive and correlational analysis. Later, semi-structured interviews were utilized as a qualitative method to conduct some in-depth explorations. The quantitative part of study aims to explore the level of preparedness of students in Preschool and Elementary Education programs regarding mental health, the primary methods through which students acquire knowledge, and the relationship between this knowledge and their well-being throughout their teacher education journeys. The study sample comprised students from the Faculty of Education at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës, Albania (N=123), 19 of whom were interviewed to identify through qualitative methods the promoting factors and inhibiting factors of well-being and mental health during the study years. Based on the literature, a semi-structured interview instrument was prepared. For the quantitative data collection, two scales were developed for this study: one to gauge students’ perceived level of mental health knowledge and another to identify the sources of this knowledge acquisition. Student well-being was assessed using the self-assessment questionnaire CSSWQ (Renshaw, 2020). Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 22 software, while the qualitative data set was processed manually.
According to the students’ self-reports, they demonstrated an above-average level of knowledge on mental health, deriving this knowledge from both the university’s curriculum and external sources. The study revealed weak positive correlations between mental health knowledge and academic efficacy (r = .024, n = 123, p < .008), but moderate positive correlations with academic satisfaction (r = .31, n = 123, p < .001), school connectedness (r = .31, n = 123, p < .001), college gratitude (r = .36, n = 123, p < .001), and student well- being (r = .34, n = 123, p < .001). Furthermore, this paper engages in discourse analysis to establish concrete recommendations for enhancing the relevant study programs.
Keywords: teacher preparation, initial education, mental health, student’s well-being.
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