Language of Sustainable Development: Discourses of the end of the Anthropocene in Literature and Cinematography


We received a high number of high-quality submissions. They are now being processed. Thank you for your response to this call. It is now closed. One can only submit papers for consideration for regular issues, not this particular thematic, which is now closed. 

Guest Editors: Stephen Ogheneruro Okpadah (University of Ilorin, Nigeria) & Osakue S. Omoera (Federal University, Otuoke, Nigeria).

Global industries, multinational corporations, outrageous rise of global population, deforestation, the global oil and nuclear industries pose the ongoing challenge for sustainability of earth resources. Exploitation remains the main problem, which may be analyzed from Marxist, materialist and capitalist perspectives. Aerologists, deep ecologists, environmentalists, lawyers in the legal space, life sciences and social sciences ask about the future of humanity. Writers and activists foresee the end of the human era. In 2002, the Nobel Prize-winning atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer resurrected the concept of the anthropocene to denote the current interval of time on earth in which many key processes are dominated by human influence[1]. The birth of the anthropocene is the departure from the conditions of the Holocene epoch that nurtured the growth of human civilization.[2]Since 1800, global population has risen from roughly 1 billion to 6.5 billion in 2000 and a projected 9 billion by 2050. The duration of the anthropocene is now arguably the most important question of our age—scientifically, socially and politically. We cannot think of a greater or more urgent challenge. Socio-cultural products (anthropocene-literatures and anthropocene-films) may be viewed as futuristic telescopes to arrive at the concept of the postearth[3]the product of the robbery of the earth by humans as theybegin to recreate and reshape the earth. The questions that emanate from this thematic issue are: how different languages define the anthropocene? What language has been used by artists to communicate the Anthropocene? The linguistic and discursive representation of the anthropocene (be it in literature, theatre or in films) are part of the welcomed subthemes together with other themes that touch on the sociological questions of power, imbalance and exploitation and how these are expressed and contested in and through language. Moreover, we hope to answer the question: is the language used for promotion of sustainable development agenda – a language of fear or is it a language of opportunity? How does it interplay with the discourses about the post-earth scenarios.

[1]Crutzen, P. J. 2002 Geology of mankind. Nature 415, 23. doi:10.1038/415023

[2] John Foster. Marx and the Rift in the Universal Metabolism of Nature. Monthly Review

[3]Postearth is the posthuman era

We welcome papers based on systematic literature review or field research data, we will also consider well-argued scientific essays of between 4000-6000 words. Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:


  • Sociology of Language
  • Sociology of the Media
  • Sociology of Literature
  • Role of language and discourse in the transition From the Anthropocene to Post-earth
  • Greening the Media
  • The Language of Ecocriticism in Modern Theatre
  • Eco-films in Contemporary Society
  • Communication Development in the Age of Robotics
  • Film and Drama Production and the Issues of Sustainability
  • The Language of Performance in the 21st Century
  • Discourses in the Post-Truth Era

The names of the author(s), a short biography of the contributor(s), telephone number(s), email address(es) and institutional affiliations should be sent along with the papers. Each article should be accompanied by an abstract of 200-250 words, Referencing style should conform to APA 6th edition. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged. All manuscripts must reach the editor(s) on or before 30th of July, 2021. Contributors should submit e-copies of their manuscripts to the editors of this Special Issue at and


Language, Discourse and Society is the official journal of the International Sociological Association, HQ in Madrid, Spain.

This indexed journal can be accessed at AND

Submission can be done in English, Spanish and French.

Please follow the author guidelines indicated at the following URL, which includes a template for formatting.


  • May 2021: call for papers
  • 30th July 2021: due date for submission
  • September 2021: Feedback from reviewers
  • October 2021: Submission of revised articles

This thematic issue will be published in December 2021.

SUBMISSION TO BE DONE ONLINE (see below to create an account or log in)

 The contact email of the guest-editors for any query is: and

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